STD testing

STD testing is advised after new, unprotected sexual contact or after unprotected contact with an STD-infected partner.

STD diagnosis is important since the failure to treat STD may result in life-threatening consequences, even premature death.

The first STD symptoms can be observed within 2-7 days after the contact. Note that one-off contact is sufficient for getting infected with STD, and the STD-infected person may have no signs or symptoms of infection.

Full STD diagnosis

Full sexually transmitted disease testing is advised after unprotected contact.

There are no criteria that allow complete diagnosis of the sexual health. Complete STD lab tests allow for identifying the disease-causing agents (microbes, such as chlamydia, fungus, etc.) or the response reaction of the organism by determining antibodies (the “workers” of the immune system that block and destroy microbes) and the level of the antibodies in the blood. Antibodies develop in the system rather late – 8 or more days after infection, since the incubation period of the disease may occur during this time.

Where to get tested for STD?

Specialists that can take STD lab tests are:

Gynaecologist and urologist specialise in treating reproductive tract infections; dermatovenerologist specialises not only in treating sexually transmitted diseases but also in non-STD infections of the skin and mucous membrane that affect the skin of genitalia.

All types of STD can affect the skin (more on venereal diseases here), and it is within the competence of dermatovenerologist to treat the skin condition, not just the STIs. Highly qualified specialists have extended experience in treating specific diseases. Continuous education of the expert ensures shorter and more effective STD treatment period, providing the patient with the latest medication or treatment methods.

What type of STD lab tests are taken during the examination?

The examining doctor determines which lab tests are necessary depending on the patient’s sex life and symptoms present.

STD testing includes:

Is it possible to get STD lab tests for free?

No, in Latvia free STD testing is not possible. STD lab tests are taken only with the co-payment of the patient, and an additional co-payment is required for evaluating the results.

Giving samples for laboratory testing as a personal initiative is not possible – the patient must have the treating doctor’s notice. Swabs and smears can be taken only by a competent doctor.

Can I get tested for STD anonymously?

An appointment with dermatovenerologist is confidential and discreet, but the patient’s anonymity is relative. If the lab tests identify certain STI microorganisms (HIV, syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia), the doctor is obliged to inform the epidemiologist. Epidemiologists work at the National Centre for Disease Control, and do not disclose the patient’s personal information – the Centre is concerned with the numbers, tendencies and control of infections.

Before STD testing

STD testing procedure

During the appointment, first, the patient’s sexual history is discussed, followed by noting complaints, and visual examination of potentially STI-affected areas – hair, eyes, mouth, palms, sex organs, breasts, also the anal region and feet. It is advised for women to plan the examination on the 4-5 day of the cycle.

The test material is collected from the urinary tract; for women – from the uterus, vagina; for men - prostate or testicles can be examined during the appointment. Depending on the nature of patient’s sexual relationships or symptoms, the patient’s throat and rectum may be examined.

How soon are the results of the lab tests in?

Certain types of lab tests can have results as soon as in 1-2 days, but most results are ready in 5 days.

STD treatment process

Once the STD has been diagnosed, and the duration of the infection process and the cause is identified, a treatment course is devised accordingly. Every case requires specific antibiotics with specific instructions.

If the sexually transmitted disease has a tendency to expand (affect surrounding organs or further organs), during the treatment process the medication must be combined (localised and general).

Avoiding STDs

Using condoms can reduce the risk of infection with STD that is transmitted with bodily fluids (blood, vaginal fluids, semen), but it should be noted that condoms cannot cover the whole body, and do not protect from types of STD that are carried through non-genital contact with skin or touch.

Multiple types of STD can be transmitted during one-off contact.

The “Sexual and Reproductive Health Law” of the Republic of Latvia states that it is the duty of the STD-infected person to inform his/her sexual partner about the risk of infection.

STD testing process


Discussing sexual activity history, visual examination of the patient

Lab tests

The doctor takes samples for laboratory testing

Treatment course

Depending on the type of the STI and the infected area/organ, specific medication is prescribed

STD testing price

Qualification Clients of the clinic First visit
Doctor 42 € 45 €
Highly qualified doctor 52 € 55 €

Clinic's venereologist's


Venerologist Resident Gunita Buiksa

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Highly qualified doctors

Venerologist Sergejs Vojevodins

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Venerologist Ilona Zablocka

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Venerologist Alise Huskivadze

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Venerologist Zanda Bogdanova

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Venerologist Dace Buile

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