- Podologists with 20+ years of experience
- Continuous education and development
- Experience as emergency medical technician
Podologist is a specialist for maintaining the health status of our feet. Unlike pedicurists, who offer procedures for healthy feet, podologist evaluates the health status of our toenails and feet, noticing deviations in the structure of skin and toenails, as well as applies various lower limb tests (i.e. analyses pressure sensation, vibration sensation, temperature sensation, pulse, evaluates skin tone changes, etc).
Foot and toenail care is the foundation of general care of healthy feet, but it is especially important for:
Podologist is qualified to:
Medical pedicure is suitable for treating:
Qualification | First visit |
Podiatrist | 40 € |
Procedūra | Cena |
Konsultācijas | 35 € |
Sēnīšu skartu pēdu un nagu aprūpe |
50 € |
Ārstnieciskais pedikīrs | 35 € |
Atsevišķu pēdu problēmzonu apstrāde | 20 € |
Nagu apstrāde | 20 € |
Nagu lakošana ar UV nagu laku | 10 € |
Apavu dezinfekcija ar KLENZ ierīci | 5 €/pāris; 3 €/2+ pāri |
Varžacs likvidēšana | 20 € |
Podologist Jana FreibergaAsk a question Make an appointment |