Inverse or pleated psoriasis

Inversā psoriāze izpaužās kā gludi, sārti izsitumi, kas rada iespaidu par jēlu ādu. Parasti tie attīstās vietā, kur āda skar, kairina ādu – cirkšņos, padusēs, zem krūtīm, ap ģenitālijām un citās ādas krokās.





Consultation fee

Qualification Clients of the clinic First visit
Doctor 42 € 45 €
Highly qualified doctor 52 € 55 €
Dr. Med. 66 € 70 €

Clinic's dermatologists


Resident Gunita Buiksa

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Highly qualified doctors

Ilona Zablocka

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Alise Huskivadze

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Zanda Bogdanova

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Dace Buile

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Dr. Med.

Dr. Med. assistant professor Māra Rone-Kupfere

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